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Nginx Rate Limit

Nginx Rate Limit Introduction Nginx is a powerful web server that can be used to serve static content, load balance, and act as a reverse proxy. It is also capable of rate limiting requests to prevent abuse and protect your server from being overwhelmed. I seen various guides on how to set up rate limiting in Nginx, but I wanted to write my own since I had a specific use case in mind and I couldn鈥檛 find an example anywhere....

March 1, 2024 路 4 min 路 Loz

Certificate Transparency Bots

What happened? Backstory I was setting up a new subdomain on my VPS, I thought I had everything correctly configured but the new subdomain was being routed to another application. After an hour of troubleshooting I made the decisions to reconfigure the whole server using nginxconfig.io as a baseline. Within 15 minutes of entering all the information, downloading and extracting to my server I had everything ready to go....

June 29, 2022 路 3 min 路 Loz

Google Dorks

What is a dork? A dork is a filter that can be applied to searches to narrow down the results to what you are looking for. This is often used to find potential documents / hidden pages that were accidentally exposed to the internet. This can be used in recon stage since it does not interact with a target / organisation directly. There are many dork operators here is a list and what effect they have on the results....

January 8, 2022 路 2 min 路 Loz

Nginx Waf Overview

What is NGINX? NGINX is open source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more. It started out as a web server designed for maximum performance and stability. In addition to its HTTP server capabilities, NGINX can also function as a proxy server for email (IMAP, POP3, and SMTP) and a reverse proxy and load balancer for HTTP, TCP, and UDP servers. source What is a WAF?...

December 8, 2021 路 2 min 路 Loz